A continuació es poden consultar les darreres publicacions dels membres del Laboratori del Foc de l'EPSEB:
Palumbo, M., Lacasta, A. M., Giraldo, M. P., Haurie, L., & Correal, E. (2018). Bio-based insulation materials and their hygrothermal performance in a building envelope system (ETICS). Energy and Buildings, 174, 147-155.
Maldonado-Alameda, A., Lacasta, A. M., Giro-Paloma, J., Chimenos, J. M., Haurie, L., & Formosa, J. (2017). Magnesium phosphate cements formulated with low grade magnesium oxide incorporating phase change materials for thermal energy storage. Construction and Building Materials, 155, 209-216.
Palumbo, M., Lacasta, A. M., Navarro, A., Giraldo, M. P., & Lesar, B. (2017). Improvement of fire reaction and mould growth resistance of a new bio-based thermal insulation material. Construction and Building Materials, 139, 531-539.